County Committee
Why should you care about all of this? Assembly Districts in Manhattan are split up into parts. On the Lower East Side we have 4 Parts (Part A, B, C & D). This categorization is recognized by the Manhattan Democratic Party. In having this structure, each Part can elect 2 District Leaders. This means that only people registered to vote within the Part, can vote. Once these District Leaders are elected, you can create a Democratic Club. These clubs are supposed to represent the areas within their Parts. You will see an example of this below.

Map of the 65th Assembly District — Lower Manhattan. From the Financial District to Loisaida/Lillian Wald.
In our Assembly District which is the 65th Assembly District, we have the following District Leaders:
Part A — (Blue) — Lee Berman & Caroline Laskow
Part B — (Green) — Magda Napoleon & Ron Thomas
Part C — (Yellow) — Paul Newell, Mariama James
Part D — (Orange) — Justin Yu & Virginia Lee