1. DOT and Parks: East Village/Lower East Side Waterfront Access Study
Community workshop #3/October 23, 2023
Study Background & Goals
Conceptual study
No capital funding is associated with this study-the study may help city agencies seek funding for future improvements
Existing Conditions-Community Concerns & Improvements & Improvement Concepts
Montgomery Street, Jackson Street Bridge, Delancey Street, Houston Street,
6th Street Bridge
2. It’s Official: The Market Line Food Hall is Shutting Down The Last day will be April 1
Upload Feb 9, 2024
Statement from Delancey Street Associates
…We have decided to close the Market Line with a target date of April 1. We are evaluating uses for the underground space that will be sustainable for the long term…
3. Lower East Siders Hear Mount Sinai’s Rivington House Pitch At CB3
Posted Fri Mar 8, 2019
The Bernstein facility, the health system has previously said, is beyond the point of renovation.
..to relocate its behavioral health services from the Bernstein Pavilion on Stuyvesant Park to the building at 45 Rivington St.
4. Mount Sinai Creates Transformational New Model of Behavioral Health Care With State-of-the-Art $140 Million Center. Largest private investment in mental health in state history to create ‘one-stop shop’ for mental health, substance use treatment, and primary care.
New York, NY (June 08, 2023)
Mount Sinai Health System today hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly constructed Mount Sinai-Behavioral Health Center ..located at 45 Rivington Street in Lower Manhattan.
5. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Update
November 28, 2023
Existing 16th Street Infrastructure: MSBI has a 50+ year old, outdated infrastructure; Leaks, boilers, antiquated rooms/halls and unable to modernize
6. Mount Sinai ordered to halt Beth Israel hospital closure by NY State
Published December22, 2023
This comes after the hospital submitted a proposal to the state health department to close by July 2024
In response to the cease and desist, the hospital said in a statement. “We have received the letter and are reviewing it. As we have always said, the health and safety of our patients are-and must remain-our top priorities.”
7. Community Sports and Programming Facility, Baruch Playground. NYC Parks
November 9, 2023
Ekstein Development Group was a respondent to the RFEI for this location and highest rated proposer to the RFP.
8. The City of New York Manhattan Community Board 3, February 2024 Vote Sheet
Parks, Recreation, Waterfront, & Resiliency Committee
4- Cuala Foundation & Amerinda Inc: Informational presentation on alternate proposal for Baruch Bathhouse
For more information, please sign up for next month meeting April 16 at https://www.3bridgesdc.com/.../three-bridges-democratic... 